Completed -
The maintenance is complete and the affected systems are back online.
Jan 29, 08:12 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 29, 08:00 UTC
Scheduled -
In our ongoing and continuous efforts to improve the performance, reliability, and capacity of the services we offer you, and to reduce the likelihood of slower-than-normal response times as occurred January 14, we will be performing scheduled maintenance on the Eleos Platform next week. On Wednesday, January 29, beginning at 3:00 AM EST and ending at 3:30 AM EST (for a total of 30 minutes), we will need to take our systems offline to perform a set of database upgrades.
We work to design and operate systems that, in general, can be maintained and upgraded without a full outage. However, the nature of this change requires all Platform activity to be temporarily halted. We are sorry for the impact to your business and drivers this may cause.
During the maintenance period, most Platform features will be unavailable or will exhibit different behavior:
Mobile apps
The mobile apps will continue to show the load, message, payroll, and truck information last retrieved from the server.
Trip Planner will show stop locations overlaid on a map, but it will not compute a route for display. Turn-by-turn guidance will not be able to compute new routes during the maintenance window. Drivers will not be able to start navigation to a new location during this time. Turn-by-turn navigation will continue to provide guidance for drivers who start their turn-by-turn session prior to the maintenance window, but they will not receive an updated route if they deviate from the guided route.
Workflow actions will behave as though the application is offline: if an offline workflow is defined for the load or stop, it will be used, and workflow actions performed while offline will be queued and sent to your systems after the Platform comes back online. If no offline workflow is defined, the driver will see a brief spinner followed by an error message.
Messages (chat messages or forms) sent by drivers will be queued on their mobile device and sent after the Platform comes back online.
However, workflow actions and messages performed or sent after the maintenance period begins will be lost if the driver logs out before the maintenance period ends. If drivers send messages or perform workflow actions after 3:00 AM EST, they must stay logged into the device until the maintenance period is complete to ensure no data is lost.
In-motion locking and duty status information will be handled in the mobile app as though Internet connectivity is not available and duty status is unknown. For more information about how in-motion locking uses duty status, see the In-Motion Locking section of our documentation. Weather information shown on each stop will also fail to load.
Drivers will remain logged in to the app. If a driver is starting a shift on a shared device, or if they manually log out, they will not be able to log back in until the maintenance is complete.
If you use the Eleos Geotab integration, your drivers will be able to continue to use the Geotab Drive app normally during the maintenance period, assuming they use the app at least once prior to the start of the maintenance.
Documents and photographs captured by drivers will be queued on their device and will finish sending upon completion of the maintenance. However, documents and photographs captured by drivers after the maintenance period begins will be lost if the driver logs out before the maintenance period ends. If drivers scan documents after 3:00 AM EST, they must stay logged into the device until all pending documents display a confirmation number, indicating successful upload.
Difficult maneuver decisions, added stops, and similar activities will be recorded on each driver’s device and collected as snapshots after the maintenance period ends, at which point these activities will be delivered via your configured trip changes endpoint, if any.
API, App Manager, and Document Hub
The public APIs at, including the outbound messaging and document retrieval APIs, will return HTTP 503 errors for all requests. These requests can and should be retried as normal, and they will succeed after the maintenance is complete.
App Manager, including news and media library management, App Configuration, and the Error Console will be inaccessible.
The Document Hub, including backend user management, the document inbox, document search, and the document review queue will be inaccessible.
Jan 21, 22:35 UTC